MGMPlus is a premium streaming service offering an extensive library of hit movies, original series, and exclusive content. If you’ve recently subscribed to MGM+ and want to start streaming, you need to activate your account first.
Steps to Activate Your MGM+ Account
Follow these simple steps to activate MGM+ on your device:
Step 1: Open the MGM+ App
- Download and install the MGM+ app on your smart TV, streaming device, or mobile phone.
- Open the app, and you will see an activation code displayed on the screen.
Step 2: Visit
- Using a web browser on your computer or smartphone, go to mgmplus com/activate.
- Enter the activation code displayed on your TV or device screen.
Step 3: Sign In or Create an Account
- If you already have an MGM+ account, sign in using your credentials.
- If you are a new user, create an account by following the on-screen instructions.
Step 4: Link Your Subscription
- If you subscribed to MGM+ through a cable provider or a streaming service like Amazon Prime Video or Roku, you may need to link your subscription by selecting your provider and entering your login details.
Step 5: Start Streaming
- Once the activation process is complete, you will receive a confirmation message.
- Now, you can enjoy MGM+ on your preferred device and explore its vast collection of movies and shows.
Troubleshooting Common Activation Issues
If you encounter any issues during activation, here are some quick fixes:
- Invalid Code: Make sure you enter the correct activation code before it expires. If needed, refresh the app to get a new code.
- Login Issues: Double-check your MGM+ account credentials and reset your password if necessary.
- Subscription Not Found: Ensure that your subscription is active and properly linked to your account. Contact your provider if the issue persists.
Activating MGM+ via is a straightforward process that allows you to enjoy high-quality entertainment on various devices. Follow the steps above, and you’ll be streaming your favorite shows and movies in no time. If you run into any issues, check the troubleshooting tips or reach out to MGM+ customer support for further assistance.